

Shopping with Artificial intelligence

Shopping with Artificial intelligence 

AI(Artificial intelligence)

        The word "Artificial Intelligence" is a human made advanced technology that do a similar work of human's work in efficiently and simply.

ML(Machine learning)

        ML is a kind of  artificial intelligence(AI) that permits programming applications to turn out to be more exact at foreseeing results without being unequivocally modified to do as such. ML calculations utilize authentic information as contribution to foresee new result values.

In modern day, the technology used in everywhere, Such as:

  • communication
  • search preference
  • medical area
  • sports
  • teaching
  • marketing and sales
  • vehicles....etc

How Ai using in shopping:

        Computer based intelligence like Ai assists retailers with further developing interest determining, pursue valuing choices, and improve item situation. Thus, clients associate with the right items, perfectly located, brilliantly. Prescient investigation can assist you with requesting the perfect proportion of stock so that hides away end up with something over the top or excessively little.

AI shopping

This means, the computer technology is always with humans. That picture is good example for previous sentence.

Now in this article, we will discuss about shopping with Ai.

There are two type of shopping here:
  • Online shopping
  • Offline shopping
Online shopping:
        Website based or online shopping is the movement or activity of purchasing items or administrations over the Internet. It implies going web based, arriving on a dealer's site, choosing something, and sorting out for its conveyance. The purchaser either pays for a long term benefit or administration online with a credit or charge card or upon conveyance.        
        In online shopping of modern days like amazon,Flipkart,meesho..etc. Are have a E-commerce site. And also they are using a Ai for make a customer to guide, and make the shopping as simple in online.
Amazon E-commerce site company create a voice Ai assistant called as Alexa.

Offline shopping:
        An offline shopping is the conventional approach to shopping being available at the counter or shop or store.
Benefits of offline shopping:
  • Save money from online transaction frauds.
  • no delay delivery time.
  • quickly return the items.
  • Size and fitting(cloths) are reviewed at the shop place.
  • we talk to decrease the price money from the MRP rate.
  • people who does not know about modern technology, may physical shopping is good for buy a things.
AI with offline shopping:

    The shop keeper is not must when there is a AI Robot. It manage the shops with their knowledge such as price,balance money of customer,maintain shop as clean,things arrangement in good order...etc.
And we can able to kept a robot as security for hole shops.

     Humanoid robots are similar to humans if skin color is add, and possible to replacing the shop keeper for maintains the shop, when the owner desire to take rest.

     Machine learning(ML)  is compulsory needed one for controlling and understand the orders from owner for robots. ML discussed in top of the article
    Cctv with Ai installed softwares are called as opencv project for accessing cameras.The shop database or computer may count the things which are sold, and the shop will order the things to maintain and rearrange.The cctv can count how many members entering and existing from the shops.
       The things theft will be decrease while cctv scanning and incase any theft occurs ,then able to find  the thefted man easily.

        Cctv with scanning property definitely helps to make a attraction between customer to enter the shop by speech recognition of any language with NLP(natural language processing).Speech will be like this(please enter the shop or all things are available here or thanks for shopping or visit you again.)

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